Hoy vengo acompañada de tres amigas y compañeras que os van a enseñar cómo hablan en euskera, gallego y valenciano.
When do people hire translators?
Someone asked me this question after reading my post Why you should hire a professional translator last week. I could write A LOT about it. To sum up, when it comes to businesses and brands, it is all about internationalization and localization (I will talk about localization later). ➡️ Answer: Whenever a business wants to go or already is international, whether they sell products or offer services. Some examples: ✴ Translation of websites ✴ Blogs ✴ Books/handbooks ✴ Social media content ✴ Internal documents ✴ Ads ✴ Marketing emails Did you already know…
Why you should hire a professional translator
Translation mistakes show lack of professionalism and damage your image. They can even be life-threatening.
Without translation…
[ES] «Sin traducción habitaríamos provincias lindantes con el silencio» . [FR] «Sans traduction nous habiterions des provinces voisines avec le silence». ⠀
How to order a translation / Cómo encargar una traducción
Ver esta publicación en Instagram Una publicación compartida de Translator & Spanish Teacher (@sara.arilla) el 31 May, 2020 a las 11:06 PDT [EN] 🎥 This is a video I posted on my website 5 years ago —time flies! It’s a very general explanation on how to order a translation, but it can still be helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.⠀ [ES] Publiqué este vídeo en mi web hace unos 5 años. Es una explicación muy general de cómo encargar una traducción, pero creo que puede servir de ayuda. 😉⠀